Fellows Program
PAT-Net recognizes graduate students who show interest and promise in scholarship that is devoted to critically understanding government, governance, and administration. Fellows engage in a pre-conference workshop. They receive a complimentary conference registration and a one-year PA Theory Network membership. The mentorship, connections, highlighting, and ideas that are generated from the Fellowship are unique in the field, and cherished by many scholars.
Apply to be a 2025 fellow using the following link: https://tinyurl.com/PATNetFellows2025
Congratulations to the 2024 PAT-Net Fellows!
Norhan Alshihabi
University of Massachusetts Boston
Faisal Cheema
Indiana University
Colin Cox
Florida State University
Amidu Kalokoh
Virginia Commonwealth University
Ainur Kenzhetayeva
Kent State University
Xiao Liang
Rutgers University-Camden
Faika Lore
Virginia Tech
Barbara Lu
University of Delaware
Mark Nepf
Evans School of Public Policy & Governance,
University of Washington
Namrta Sharta
The University of Texas at Dallas
Farzana Sharmin
Northern Illinois University
Arqam Tariq
University of Delaware
Andre Tsai
Georgia State University and Georgia Institute of Technology (Joint PhD program)
Chloe White
Cleveland State University
Isaac Yeboah
Virginia Commonwealth University
Daniel Zorrilla
University of Delaware